Kamis, 18 November 2010

cheat castle age si facebook cheat and hints codes

About Castle Age (from the developer: Castle Age)
Raise an army of Knights, Elves, and mythical creatures to conquer the continent in Castle Age. Explore a land of Fantasy. Beautiful Graphics!
More info can be found on the official Castle Age Facebook Application page. If this isn't the Facebook game you were looking for then check our Facebook Game Cheats index.
Read on below to find cheats, hints and tips for Castle Age... You can also leave your own tips to share them with the rest of the community, leave one now!
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warcraft 3 cheat codes

Oy Ane nemu cheat warcraft nih untuk para pecinta warcraft

Cheat List

In single-player games press [Enter] on your keyboard. Type the code (the word or words on the right of the colonm and then press enter. Words in the parenthesis are to be entered without the parenthesis. After the code is typed press [Enter] again and it should say {Cheat Enabled!} across the screen assuming you did it correctly.

Example: [Enter] greedisgood 100000 [Enter] Cheat Enabled!
Password Effect
allyourbasearebelongtous Instant Win
somebodysetusupthebomb Instant Loss
iseedeadpeople View entire map
strengthandhonor Play after dying in campaign mode
pointbreak Units need no farms
thedudeabides Instant spell performance
synergy Turn off Tech-Tree
itvexesme Turn off Victory
whosyourdaddy Invulnerability and 1 shot kills
leafittome (value) Lumber
greedisgood (value) Lumber and Gold
keysersoze (value) Gold
motherland (race) (level number) Level select
iocainepowder Instant doom
whoisjohngalt Quick research
sharpandshiny Research all upgrades
thereisnospoon Infinite mana
riseandshine Morning
lightsout Night
DaylightSavings (Insert Hour) Reset the time to the hour specificed (without a number, this toggle the day/night cycle on/off)
WarpTen Speeds up the construction of buildings and units
WhoIsJohnGalt Enable research
= Re-enters the last cheat code you typed.
TenthLevelTaurenChieftain Play the "Power of the Horde" song
"maxfps(x)" where x is number sets the frames per second into the set number

= Re-enters the last cheat code you typed.
TenthLevelTaurenChieftain Play the "Power of the Horde" song
"maxfps(x)" where x is number sets the frames per second into the set number

nightclubcity cheat

Cheat Money Night Club City Facebook. Buat temen-temen yang suka main aplikasi game Facebook Night Club City nih saya ada cara buat nambah jumlah uang. 100% work...!!!!!

Nah yang dah ga sabar pengin tahu, yuh langsung aja simak baik-baik tutorialnya dari Richard (sebenernya dari om corluzz) baca.

  1. Siapkan Cheat Engine 5.6
  2. Log In NCC Facebook menggunakan Mozilla Firefox. (Mozilla terbaru N jangan lupa install adobe flash player)
  3. Nah buat contoh, disini kita akan merubah harga barang yang paling mahal di bagian Redecorate -> Entertainment -> Lihat barang yang harganya 8juta akan diganti menjadi harga yang ekonomis. Hehehehe... sengihnampakgigi
  4. Open Cheat Engine 5.6
  5. Select a Process to Open -> Process List (Long) -> Pilih salah satu diantara -Plugin-Container.exe -> Open
  6. Tuliskan angka 8000000 -> 4 Bytes -> Jangan lupa Centang Also Scan Read Only Memory -> Pencet First Scan.
  7. Setelah di scan maka akan keluar sekitar 5 address, Select semua address tersebut dan klik tanda panah merah kecil, setelah itu ke 5 address tersebut akan pindah ke bagian bawah.
  8. Nah setelah pindah ke bawah select semua dan beri tanda centang semua lalu klik kanan Change Record -> Value -> Trus ganti angka 8000000 menjadi 12345 -> Ok
  9. Lah sekarang buka NNC -> Redecorate -> Entertainment -> Eng Ing Eng... Harga barang yang sebelumnya 8 juta kini berubah menjadi 12345. Silahkan beli barang tersebut sebanyak-banyaknya.
  10. Nah sekarang kita lanjut ke bagian menggandakan uang. Hahahahahaha.... Kaya dukun
  11. Setelah membeli semua barang yang murah tadi, kita kembali ke CE. Trus rubah value 12345 tadi menjadi 150juta.
  12. Nah yang barang yang sudah kita beli dengan murah tadi langsung kita jual. Lihat hasilnya... Harga jual barangnya jadi 50% dari 150juta. Hahahahahahhaha.... Tinggal dikali aja sama berapa barang yang dijual.
Gimana??? Mantepkan!!!! Langsung Kaya mendadak tanpa segelas air putih dan mantera... Hahahahahahahahaha....gatai

Point Blank cheat

buat para cheaterz sekalian ni w punya cheat PB(Point Blank) Terbaru,tergokilz,dan terjamin kepastiannya 100% tapi saya mohon, agar tidak menyebar luaskan cheat ini ok (kalo di sebar luaskan itu derita lo sendiri lo yg nyebarin kl ke banned lo yg jerit-jerit) silahkan loe-loe pd buka web ini:


siip pokonya terjamin khasiatnya

Restaurant city cheat

What you need is Cheat Engine 5.5, flash 9 or 10 and piaip’s Restaurant City Hack tool Version 1.12. Download with caution.
1. Open your Restaurant City Game
2. Run your piapi restaurant city tool, then tick fast run, fast eat, fast one, fast waiter and auto regeneration then click the PATCH button to work.

3. Open your Cheat Engine 5.5 then select the program or browser you are using. If you are using Firefox browser then select Firefox and open. I don’t know if this engine works with other browser.
4. Check Hex box, change value type to 8bytes and check ASROM ( Also Scan Read-Only Memory).
5. On your Hex box, change value to FFFFFFB8D02A0FF2 and Scan.
6. You will get 1 address after scanning, right click the address that you have and disassemble it.

7. On the memory viewer, you will see the line “mov eax,FFFFFFFF”, change it to “mov eax,00001388″, Do Not Close the memory viewer.

8. This is the current experience cheat for restaurant city. Now you will gain more experience per dishes.
9. Now, uncheck Hex box and New Scan your current level.
10. Wait until you level up to 21.
11. Now change the “mov eax,00001388″ to “mov eax,FFFFFFFF”
12. Next Scan your new level.
13. There is only 1 address left. If more than 1, find an address with a pattern like this “xxxxxFBx”.
The value of this address will be your current level.
14. Change the value to “1. You will be back to level “1″ of the game. But immediately, you will level back up to 21. Also you will gain thousands of coins as youlevel up.
15. When you are in level 21 again, change the value in your cheat engine back to a lower level. Keep repeating steps 14-15 until you have a lot of coins. Do not forget to save your game.